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Strings Table in SQR

Strings table in SQR

     1 )      What is strings table ?
Ans)  Strings table is a application data table which stores the labels(PS_STRINGS_TBL) .It is one of the common techniques many of the delivered programs employ to take advantage of allocating labels without hard coding.

      2)  What is the use of strings table ?

Ans) It will store all the label information which can be printed on the SQR report .

Ø  Report headings (like pay011,pay212,PeopleSoft, ABC Bank…)

Ø  Column names (Emplid, DeptId, Firstname, Lastname….)

3)  How to populate strings table & What is its structure ?
Ans) Go to the following navigation

         Main Menu ->  PeopleTools -> Utilities -> Administration ->Strings Table

         It contains following fields


4)  How to use strings table in sqr program ?
Ans) To take advantage of strings table do the following steps

                  >   Incorporate the following SQC’S into your program

            SQRTRANS.SQC,   GETRPLNG.SQC,  PRCSLNG.SQC (Which will be called internally in  PRCSAPI.SQC No need to include if your program is getting run through process scheduler i.e already included STDAPI.SQC)

                     >   Inside this SQRTRANS.SQC we are having  different procedures .Only the following can be called out side of this sqc they are 

>   Init_Report_Translation ($Report_ID, $Report_Language)

>  Get_Field_Information ($Report_ID, $Field_ID, :$Field_Text, :#Field_Width)

>  Append_Report_Translation ($Report_ID)

>   Add_Report_Translation($Report_ID, $Report_Language)

          All the procedure parameters are equal to the fields in strings table  i.e

Strings Table Fields
Procedure parameters

 $Report_Language  Is coded as  $Language_Cd , Which gets the data from GETRPLNG.SQC

 It indicates the Language code  ex : ENG  ( for more info on this see GETRPTLNG.SQC, PRCSLNG.SQC)

Finally the coding looks like the following way

Example :

 Observe the following coding from one of the delivered SQR (pay010.sqr) 

begin-procedure Report-Translation
! Read from PAY010  and PAY1 program ids
   do Init_Report_Translation($ReportID,$language_cd)
   do Append_Report_Translation('PAY1')
   do Append_Report_Translation('HR')

   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'REPORT_TITLE', $Pay010_ReportTitle, #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'REG',          $Pay010_Reg,         #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'OVR',          $Pay010_Ovr,         #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'OTH',          $Pay010_Oth,         #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'EMP_NM',       $Pay010_Emp_Nm,      #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'EMP_ID',       $Pay010_Emp_Id,      #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'DEPT_ID',      $Pay010_Dept_Id,     #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'PG_LN_ADL',    $Pay010_Pg_Ln_Adl,   #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'HOURS',        $Pay010_Hours,       #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'ERNS',         $Pay010_Erns,        #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'TYPE',         $Pay010_Type,        #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'NO_DATATXT',   $Pay010_No_DataTxt,  #dummy_width)

   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY1',   'GR_TOT',       $Pay1_Gr_Tot,        #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY1',   'CMP_TOT',      $Pay1_Cmp_Tot,       #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY1',   'PAYPER_TOT',   $Pay1_PayPer_Tot,    #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('PAY1',   'PAYGRP_TOT',   $Pay1_PayGrp_Tot,    #dummy_width)

   do Get_Field_Information ('HR',     'BUS_UNIT1',    $HR_Bus_Unit1,       #dummy_width)
   do Get_Field_Information ('HR',     'BUS_UNIT2',    $HR_Bus_Unit2,       #dummy_width)


Here Report-Translation  is initiated in GETRPLNG.SQC  , Inside this procedure we can see the using of Init_Report_Translation , Append_Report_Translation , Get_Field_Information

do Init_Report_Translation($ReportID,$language_cd)  (Initiated in SSQRTRANS.SQC)

    Here $ReportId is written in the code like the following

move 'PAY010' to $ReportID


       $language_cd  , Finally gets the value of ENG

       $language_cd   is fetches language dependent language information from PRCSLNG.SQC

If our SQR has to get values from more than 1 program id then need to supply the name of program id in the following procedure   

 do Append_Report_Translation('PAY1')  (Initiated in SSQRTRANS.SQC)

Here PAY1 is $ReportID

  do Append_Report_Translation('HR')  (Initiated in SSQRTRANS.SQC)

Here HR is $ReportID

  do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'REPORT_TITLE', $Pay010_ReportTitle, #dummy_width) (Initiated in SSQRTRANS.SQC)

It is the main procedure which fetches the data from PS_STRINGS_TBL and stores in the $Field_Text. To know what exactly was stored in the  $Field_Text i.e in the $Pay010_ReportTitle use the following sql


 It is common for all , where ever you find  GET_FIELD_INFORMATION

In the above SQL statement the result will be stored in $Pay010_ReportTitle and it can be further used in PRINT statement to print the label the result is

Employees Not Processed in Current Payroll

Take an another Get_Field_Information procedure parameters

do Get_Field_Information ('PAY010', 'OVR',  $Pay010_Ovr,  #dummy_width)

Apply the same SQL statement listed above result will be 


Now $PAY010_REPORTTITLE , $PAY010_OVR will be hardcoded in a print statement in the following way

  move $Pay010_ReportTitle to $ReportTitle
  print $Pay010_Ovr                                           (0,127)

These can be printed on SQR report in the label section .

Advantages :

Ø  No need to hard code label names in directly in coding. If any kind of changes has to be done in the headings  ,Directly can log-in to PIA can modify there . Automatically same changes will appear in SQR report

Ø  This is one of the techniques almost all every delivered program employs 

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