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Dynamic prompt using %EDITTABLE

Dynamic Prompt : Through Dynamic Prompt we can dynamically change the underlying prompt table for a particular field depending upon previous selection .It is one of the common techniques that used by delivered PeopleSoft page designing techniques .

Steps involved 
1) Determine the field from DERIVED table .Generally it will be Edittable, Edittable1, Edittable2 

2) Open the record field properties of the field which will offer different prompt tables & Set the prompt table edit to %fieldname

3)From the PeopleCode to access the field ,It has to be loaded into component buffer for this purpose put the DERIVED.fieldname into page probably on the same level and make it as invisible

4)Turn Interactive mode into on

5)Populate  DERIVED.fieldname with the use of PeopleCode

Go to the following navigation to observe this 

Root - Tree Manager - Tree Manager Hidden - Department Distribution List
Its look like 

According to the value in the ID TYPE ,Prompt table changes in the Distribution ID column.
The grid in the above page in designer will look like 

In the above ID Type is a drop down list which offers different values . Distribution ID got %EDITTABLE in the record field properties . Edittable from the Derived table is placed in the middle and turned as invisible .Code written as